Friday, July 25, 2008

Speed Dial Issues

Face it---when it's performed by experienced experts operating at the highest levels of the game, 3Go1Go is a completely mindless activity. Unfortunately, some amateurs think "mindlessness" is the same as "auto-pilot".

That's a dangerous myth. Yes, 3Go1Go is a powerful weapon for today's bond pros, but it's a weapon that can blow up in your face when it's used carelessly, especially in conjunction with SpeedDial. Sending a customer's own axes back to him with an excessive mark-up or mark-down is never cool, just like a neutron bomb is never cool. A neutron bomb leaves the building standing but kills the people; an unedited SpeedDial leaves your Bloomberg standing but kills your relationships.

Here's your customer list before your SpeedDial screw-up:

Here's your customer list after:

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